Tilt Board v3 Announcement

Tilt Board v3

Video and more information coming soon!

The Tilt Board v3 is the newest version of the Tilt Board. This version follows the same basic idea as the older versions with a few big changes. The first big change is that it now uses a 3-axis accelerometer. This allows it to detect a jolt on the Z-axis and map it to one of the digital output pins. This allows you to jerk the controller up or down to perform an action in game. The second big change is the addition of an external input port. This is an RS232 port that will allow the functionality of the Tilt Board v3 to be expanded. (More on this in the future… ) The third big change is that it is now going to be an open source project. In the coming weeks(s) I will be releasing the schematics and source code to make it easier for those of you who are interested in making your own version.

I would like to release the source code and schematics under a license that allows it to be used in any not for profit way. If someone reading this has knowledge in that area, please contact me and give me advice!

Continue reading for the basic operating instructions.

Tilt Board v3 Close Up

The Tilt Board v3 has two functions. The main function of the Tilt Board is to use the tilt of your Xbox 360 controller as an input to the Xbox 360. The Tilt Board uses an accelerometer that measures the force of gravity on each axis to determine the tilt of the controller. The tilt of the controller is then output through the Xbox 360 controller analog stick input. Both the X and Y axes are used.

The secondary function of the Tilt Board is to control the digital push buttons on the Xbox 360 controller. The Tilt Board can sense a sudden jolt of the Z axis (vertically up/down) and activate a digital button of the Xbox 360 controller when the jolt is sensed. For example, if the controller is jolted down it could activate the “A” button.

Analog Operating Modes:

The Tilt Board v3 has 4 main analog operating modes. Each time the push button on the Tilt Board is pressed the Tilt Board cycles to the next analog operating mode. These modes are as follows:

Accelerometer XY – This is the default operating mode and both the X and the Y axes are controlled by the accelerometer.

Potentiometer XY – In this mode the accelerometer is not used for input at all and the Xbox 360 analog stick functions normally.

Potentiometer X – In this mode the Y axis is controlled by the accelerometer, and the X axis is controlled by the analog stick on the Xbox 360 controller.

Potentiometer Y – In this mode the X axis is controlled by the accelerometer, and the Y axis is controlled by the analog stick on the Xbox 360 controller.

Digital Output Selection:

The Tilt Board has 2 possible digital outputs for selection. To cycle between these modes the push button on the Tilt Board needs to be pressed and held for at least one second. After each long press the Tilt Board will cycle to the next digital operating mode. The output selections are:

Digital Output 1 (DO1) – The Xbox 360 digital button that DO1 is connected to will be activated when a jolt of the Z axis is detected.

Digital Output 2 (DO2) – The Xbox 360 digital button that DO2 is connected to will be activated when a jolt of the Z axis is detected.

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